Services & Test systems
In-house Services and Facilities
We offer superior different competences and services, with our own facilities and personal staff – ALL in-house:
- Development of power electronic and other different kind of high tech applications or special test systems, test equipment electronics
- Schematic circuit design entry, PCB layout (CAE), mechanical & structure design (CAD)
- Design of high-density technology, very small dimensions, highest product quality
- Analysis and simulation performance (PSpice, PSA, WCA, FMECA, MTBF, FEM, Reliabiltiy analyses, Worst Case, Part Stress, Thermal & Structure, Magnetics & Transformers etc.)
- Complete simulations and analyses before prototypes are built
- No breadboards – immediately engineering models
- Patents on planar transformators, thermal interfaces, radio frequency generator for ion thrusters
- In house production of the complete unit, electronic and mechanical components, integrated CAM-CAD post processing, pick & place parts placement and assembly
- SMD production line has been certified and justified by different customers ESA standard or MIL-STD
- Manufacturing of Magnetics, Transformers, Inductor & Storage Coils
- State-of-the-art software tools (Mentor Graphics Integra, PSpice, Mathcad, Dassault Solidworks + Simulation)
- Automated testing systems, EGSE test equipement and test facilities for special applications
- Individual programmed test-software and created test-hardware system,
- Automatic in-house testing, full qualification test programm of products acc. to Space or MIL standards.
- Compliant to usual MIL- and Space (e.g. EMC, ESCC) specifications
- ESA ECSS certified production personnel
Partner network for special manufacturing, and special environmental tests ACB (PCB) Belgium | Aerospazio | Airbus DS + ArianeGroup | AT & S (PCB) AG | Bosch | DLR | ESA| IABG | Kubatronik (PCB) | STEEP | SIRAVONNI | STI SpaceTech | TESAT Space Com.
MILAN Missile Antitank MES 1-2
The MES1/2 Test-Unit simulates the electrical behaviour of the missile during a shot sequence.
It is the latest development of the combat proven system that has already been selected by over 40 customers around the world.
Based on the concept of Semi Automatic Command to Line Of Sight (SACLOS) with permanent Man In The Loop (MITL) the system complies with the increasingly complex rules of engagement under which regular forces are required to operate. The unit was developed by APCON and is under series production.

Hot Missile Test Unit
Development of Test-Software & Test-Hardware for different applications

VXI Test Unit EGSE
Automatic Testing with VXI Test unit equipment