KompSat K3 + K3A

Power Supply (CEUP) for the High-Resolution camera – the main payload of the multi purpose satellite.

About the mission – KompSat 3A – Active in space since 2015 (KompSat 3 since 2012)

KOMPSAT-3A (Arirang-3A) – Korea Multipurpose Satellite-3A – launched in 25th March 2015, is a sister spacecraft to the previously launched KOMPSAT-3 (Arirang-3), and is Korea’s first Earth observation/Infrared satellite.
It is a collaborative mission between the Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI), Airbus DS and DLR German Aerospace Agency.
The mission aims to collect infrared (IR) and high resolution electro optical (EO ) images for GIS (Geographical Information Systems) applications in environmental, agricultural and oceanographic sciences as well as natural disasters.

The lightweight earth observation satellite is equipped with two imaging payloads systems on board, the Advanced Earth Imaging Sensor System (AEISS-A) and an Infrared Imaging Payload.
AEISS-A is similar to that of the KOMPSAT-3 spacecraft and was developed by KARI with technical support from Astrium Defence and Space and the German Aerospace Center, that developed the Focal Plane Assembly and main Camera Electronics Unit.

The previous misson KOMPSAT-3 (Arirang-3) satellite was launched on 17th May 2012.


The APCON power supply is based on a discrete design realising the special requirements of the KompSat-3 Camera.

Components of the Power supply

  • Input Filter
  • Input Inrush Current Limiter
  • Input Voltage Limiter (Transient protection)
  • ACM Buck (average current mode regulated) DC/DC-Converter
  • Secondary regulation galvanically isolated (transformer-coupled)
  • 12 Outputs secondary voltage regulators