TIGER – Power Supply HOT Missile
HOT guidance computer – Power Supply
HOT is a powerful guided missile system. It has a range of more than 4,000 meters and can be launched from wheeled vehicles or helicopters.
HOT 3 can penetrate most modern armours. Due to its tandem charge even reactive supplementary armours are rendered ineffective.
HOT 3 is resistant to jamming and can be used at night, in limited visibility and under all weather conditions.
The APCON HLMD Power Converter is a customer specified multi output DC/DC-converter with nine output voltages to provide power for the HOT guidance computer.
The power is provided by the helicopter DC-grid.
The operating voltage is 28VDC. Internal EMI-Filters reduce the conducted emission (CE) and control the conducted susceptibility (CS) in accordance to MIL-STD 462. More than 90% of the EEE-parts are SMD (surface mounted devices)
The power unit uses high density design features at very small dimensions.
The unit operates over the full military temperature range. APCON is contract holder of the series production.
The input circuit is equipped with a 3-stage differential common mode filter to reduce the conducted emission (CE) and to control the conducted susceptibility (CS) in accordance to MIL-STD 462. The unit is surge protected to meet MIL-STD-704D and EN2282. Inrush current limit at 15A with fold back characteristic. Main bus interface with on/off control circuit.
Input Voltage: 18V to 36V (DC)
Over Voltage Protection
Internal Power Fail Logic
Main/Red Power-Distribution
Fixed frequency operation
On/Off Command Interface
Power on reset
Remote sensing
Overload/short circuit protection
Ultra low dropout regulator
Under/over-voltage control logic
Over-temperature protection
Dimensions: 160x96x62 [mm]
The specifications are as follows:
Output Voltage:
- +5V/14A
- +3,3V/2,5A
- -20V/0,1A
- +15V/1,0A
- -5.2V/1,0A
- +28V/0,15A
- -15V/1,0A
- +28V/0,15A
- +20V/0,1A